Swedish Vallhund

With their thick sable coat, sturdy construction, and overall no-frills look, Swedish Vallhunds are a timeless breed, as comfortable in a suburban backyard as they were on the prow of Viking long ships 1,200 years ago. These lively herders are built long and low the ground—in not quite as exaggerated a fashion as their distant cousins the corgis, but the idea is the same: Their build makes it easier to nip at the heels of cattle and avoid kicks to the head. Balance, power, and a smooth movement are breed hallmarks.

In Sweden, it is believed that the Swedish Vallhund is indigenous to that country and goes back more than 1000 years to the days of the Vikings. Then the Swedish Vallhund was known as the "Vikingarnas Hund", the "Viking Dog." During the eighth or ninth century, historians state, either the Swedish Vallhund was brought to Wales or the Corgi was taken to Sweden, hence the similarities between the two breeds.

Breed Profile

Friendly and even-tempered Vallhunds are among the world’s most vocal breeds. They’re so chatty that their language of yips, howls, and barks has its own name: “argle bargle.” These smart, energetic dogs do best with owners willing to engage them with work or sports. Vallhunds are zesty companions. “They have a sense of humor and a real joy for life,” says one longtime owner. Loyal and easily trained, both hardworking and fun loving, the Vallhund has it all, except numbers: It’s an exceedingly scarce breed.